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Kshitij Prime Card

This an opportunity to become a PRIME MEMBER WITH KSHITIJ!

We have come up with a Prime Membership, especially for kids, who wish to register for our programs regularly and engage in activities offering various experiences in the great outdoors, adventure based activities that encourage personal challenge, skill based workshops that bring out their creative side, and who wish to be in a space where they would meet others of their age, learn to adapt to different environmental settings, collaborate to make decisions for themselves, and face the consequences of their decisions!

Prime Members will benefit on all outdoor programs and workshops conducted by Kshitij for the lifetime!

Key Features of this Membership (KPM):

  1. This will be an individual membership, issued on the Child’s name only.
  2. The member child will avail discounts on every one day and overnight outdoor programs and workshops conducted by Kshitij all throughout his lifetime.
  3. This membership can also be used to Gift Experiences to Kids!
  4. The member will receive a membership with a unique identity number, and a Kshitij Bag.
  5. Having this membership could save up to Rs. 5000 every year ensuring your kid gets amazing learning experiences every time he is a part of the Kshitij programs.
  6. Kshitij conducts more than 15 one day programs, 50 camps and 15 workshops every year, so the member is entitled to a benefitted rate on each of these, every year!
  7. Prime Members will get 10% discount on every program.

Terms and Conditions of KPM:

  1. The membership is valid only for one child and not valid for siblings or family.
  2. A Prime Member will be entitled to group discount or membership discount.
  3. Bookings will be subject to seat availability.
  4. Standard cancellation policy will apply on cancellations
  5. Once child grow up, membership can be transfered or gifted to any other child by paying transfer fees of Rs. 200.
  6. Each member will have to fill up a form, submit a passport sized high resolution photograph, submit a copy of school and agree on the terms and conditions mentioned on the website.